Don’t get held hostage to others solutions. Build what you want, how you want it and add value to your portfolio at the same time.
Deal Pipeline Oil & Gas, Transportation, Solar,Ecomm,2a,BioTech,Insurance,Healthcare,AI, Hyper Trading, RealEstate,MarTech…..
Joint Ventures
Stand Alone VRTCLS
Operators or Business Owners leveraging proprietary technology to increase sales, decrease operational expenses and create more profit creating scalable generational wealth.

Geek powered accumulation
Family Office Wealth Management
We have built a technology stack that allows for a more efficient way to acquire wealth, thanks to big data, artificial intelligence and a team of geeks focused on technology built to accelerate long term wealth accumulation.
what is a family office powered by technology
Geek Powered Multi-Family Office
We leverage best in class and often times bleeding edge technology for our portfolio companies to make the most our of every opportunity. Our proprietary technology reduces operational and expenses , increases new customer acquisition
for scale all the while optimizing longterm profitability. Imagine a best in class family office powered by Geeks.
“A Rising Tide Lifts all Boats”
As geeks we love to move fast and break things. However we are fully sold out to ARTLAB and the accretive value technology deployed correctly can add value to all portfoilio companies.
We strive to make the world a better place and focus a large part of our energy on doing Good that is why we have dedicated an entire team to our non-profit and philanthropic mission leveraging all our propritary technology for Good.
People over profit, Good over dark and thinking smarter to not only create long term wealth accumulation engines for our steak-holders but leaving a legacy that matters.
Big Data
We leverage big-data in a way that provides multi-business profit optimization and loweres overall new customer acquisition costs for our portfoilio of companies.
Financial Team
We have been able to attract some of the best minds in the finance space becuase we are the future.
Accretive Tech
Every thing we build or acquire has to be accretive to our goals and provide longlasting value
Strategy & Marketing
Over 30 years of experience, several dotcom exits and millions in successful operations means our marketing and growth team can get the job done with specialities in over 60 verticles.
Cooperative Investing
Because we are a technology company firts every thing we do is designed to provide longlasting value to the entire coop of businesses making one for many Impact.
Geeks Galore
We have the best geeks on the planet, and attract more thanks to our CO-DEV program where we allow our geeks to grow and scale their wealth along side our shareholders fostering a long tem winning enviroment for all.
Multi Famil Office Projects
multi family office
Our technology provides technology to multi-family offices fund managers, CEOs and investment bankers looking to leverage technology to provide increased stakeholder value.
Whisky Cask Investing
Scotch as an investment is trending in our Alternative Investing Class Data, so we have partnered with a Distillery Family to make this unique opportunity available to all, and they are leveraging our technology to attrect accredited investors to their opportunity at sacle! Win-Win-Win
Real-Estate Crowdfunding Platform
Real-estate crowdfunding platform created to service several real-state deals from apartments to single family development’s. This is a one for many approach leveraging VRTCLS REAL-ESTATE and 2 joint ventures to serve a larger community and create a new revenue stream too.
Insurance Tech
Our direct to consume demand generation engine has created over 57,000 phone calls leveraging Artificial Intelligence to create several revenue streams and scaling in the largest consumer industry.
Solar as an Investment: Our commercial team has an answer for any solar application needed in the commercial space from floating to ridge installation we got you covered with our Solar Services Fund I (comming soon)
what makes US different? GEEKS
family office software
Why pay for a monthly service when you can build it? Provide value and create a SaaS revenue making a customized platform or SaaS application to enhance your family office workflow/valuation. Got Questions ask Jeff CLine
Leveraging technology works for both your clients, those companies in your investment portfolio and you!
Technology Powered Deal Flow
Fractional Family Office Services
We have curated some of the best investment opportunities that leverage our proprietary Deal Flow AI technology!
my work in numbers
How to start a family office?
Hello, Jeff Cline here and am so happy you have interest in starting a Multi Family Office and hope we can find a way to work together. Currently in the pipline we are working on AI or Automation for: M&A,Earnings Reports,Acquiring & Acquisition Targerting, Appointed and Announced news signal’s for our AI Trader, Expansion Automation Engine that Plans that Quadrupled its revenue and end of life, completion and exit optimization automation.
Family Office AI
Deal Flow Automation & AI
Our geeks provide powerful technology to ensure our family office not only has a strong deal flow, but optimize the process saving time and energy with our Deal Flow Scoring Algorithm. Just one more way a Geek Powered Family Office is the future or generational Wealth.
Marketing, Demand Generation & Communication
Our Technology at work
This is one of the ways we connect our technology to opportunities in a visual way to evidence the ability of our technology stack. If you are here it worked!
Family Office Jobs?
Here is an idea, instead of looking for a job…why not create your own Geek Powered Multi Family Office Service by leveraging your contacts and skill-set along side our technology and capacity to provide real value together. Text START MY ON SERVICE to 972-800-6670 and we will pont you in the right direction.